Madeira's constant conditions allow to fly almost every day. From soaring, to thermaling, or practising acro over the water, you decide! According to the conditions we'll suggest to the most suitable take-off and profit from what Nature has to offer us.
The Destination
The Experience
The private take-off area nearby from several rental apartments standing 440m high over the Ocean. It provides good flying conditions with almost every wind direction, all year long! Ideal for Acro, XC, SIV, training flights and tandems. It's also very easy to topland. Due to this benign conditions, you will have the chance to fly whenever you want and decide the best time to profit from what Nature offers us. You can schedulle an early morning flight, topland, and go for another round. Or you can decide to practise your acro runs and later on go on a xc expedition along the coast. Everything is possible!

More about Paragliding in Portugal
Your Host: Hartmut
Hartmut is your host for this experience and will provide you with all the information needed.