Depending on the season and the weather we have different places we go to. The best period for the flying spots in the mountains like Poggio Bustone, Leonessa, Gran Sasso and Monte Cucco is from April-October. During the winter months we have magic Norma and San Donato Val di Camino that still give good thermals while the Alps are already in winter modus. A day in San Donato with a high cloudbase and light NE wind in the winter can be closed with 70-100km and a big smile on your face.
The Destination
The Experience
Taking off 1,5 hours from Rome, from a spot with a spectacular view on a valley filled with lakes, climbing up to Monte Terminilo while watching the wild horses underneath your feet, jumping in the back to fly over the epic landscapes of Castelluccio and Monti della Laga to go landing at the foot of Gran Sasso, or Little Tibet as they also call it. This is one of the experiences we can give you, flying in the Apennines.
You choose a date on our calendar or your own preferred period. We organize the logistical part and the guidance.
Other activities
In case of bad weather we can propose other activities like climbing, hiking, biking or visiting the area.
The objective of the course is to improve your thermal & cross country flying skills. Many things can influence a cross country flight and the key is to adapt your plan to these conditions: wind, thermals, flying site, clouds,…
We will learn during the course how to prepare for an XC flight with the meteo forecast given for that day, where the best thermals can be found, how to choose the best lines so you don’t lose all the altitude you have just gained in your last thermal and how to optimize your flying time.
Typical itinierary
The day will start with a meteo briefing, on the take-off we will make our flight plan, during the flight I give you guidance from the air and afterwards we do a de-briefing of the flight. Besides a lot of practice I also want to share some theory about meteo, thermal and cross country flying and how to set up your equipment. After the flight we relax with a good glass of wine and taste the Italian food in a great atmosphere.

Your Host: Jo (Giuseppe)
Jo (Giuseppe) is your host for this experience and will provide you with all the information needed.